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Interview To Kiro

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Interview To Kiro Empty Interview To Kiro

Mensaje  Teph Dom Ago 30, 2009 7:10 pm

1. Kiro, as we know, you have graduated from an economic college. Did you really plan to become an economist or was it not your own choice?

Kiro: No, I have not really passion for it! It's really helpful for the future but I like creative things, like music for example and art!

2. Your performance at the Chayka festival became a wonderful present to the Ukrainian fans. What’s your impression of Ukraine? Did you manage to walk around Kiev? What impressed you most of all? Do you plan to come back?

Kiro: I was REALLY impressed of Kiev I have to say, it's such an beautiful city and the people are very nice and polite! And also the food is very good ;D

3. We all know that you like the Russian band Tatu. How did you find out about them? How old were you then?

Kiro: I started beeing a fan of t.A.T.u. since they've released their first single 'All The Things She Said' in germany ;D I think I was 14 or 15 years old back then!

4. You like other Russian musicians as well. Why do you like Russian music so much?

Kiro: Yes, I really like the group 'biS' and also Serebro, Vlad Topalov and Sergey Lazarev!

5. You’ve been in the limelight for quite a time already. Is the first euphoria of being famous over? Don’t your fans bother you? Are you afraid of star fever? Did anyone in the band face it?

Kiro: No, it's everyday a new challenge and new adventures! I really like this and that's my life and my passion!

6. Do you have plans for summer holidays in mind? What does rest mean to you?

Kiro: No, not really! I enjoy my freetime at home! Can't wait for the tour ;D

7. You were interested in fashion and spared much attention to it. Are you interested in fashion now and what are you favourite designers? Have you got any designer clothes?

Kiro: Yes, I love fashion!!! I like Dolce & Gabbana very much! I like to try something new sometimes ;D

8. It’s a bit provocative question. Is there anything you didn’t like in Russia?

Kiro: For me it is hard to see that there are so much rich people and so much poor people, but nothing between, that's really sad...

9. Can you right now name three Russian national dishes without googling them?

Kiro: Yes, but I don't it's the right spelling,... Borsch, Bliny ( I really like it), Parashinka.... xD it's wrong I think, but I hope you know what I mean!

10. What are your favourite literature (probably from classical literature) and film characters? You have probably read a lot of books about different classical epochs. In what epoch would you like to live most of all?

Kiro: Maybe around 1750, I would be really interested to see how life was back then ;D

11. Have you ever considered continuing your education? If you have, in what profession then?

Kiro: Yes sure, continuing education in art and music maybe... let's see!

12. “ToyZ” is out in August. How would you characterize the mood of the album? What topics are you dealing with at it?

Kiro: 'Toyz' has many faces, we are inspired by berlin for example because we are living here for almost 3 years, so it's about clubbing, about forget everything and just have fun! It's is also about our past, for example in one of my favourite songs 'In Your Cage' we're talking about the life we had, I was caged in school because people didn't liked my for the way I am but I continued and now I am really proud! And for sure about things we play with and other people are playing with, they can me innocent, but they can also be about sex and money and power!

13. Tell us about your first performance with Cinema Bizarre. What memories have you got from that performance?

Kiro: That was really funny! I was very sick at that day, I will never forget this! We were 2 hours late and we couldn't do a soundcheck!! But everything went well ;D

14. Would you like to try yourself in some other spheres – in cinema or fashion industry for example, or somewhere else?

Kiro: Yes sure, I love fashion and art and I really would like to try to be an actor in movies! Would be a really great experience!!

15. What is you life motto?

Kiro: 'Live your dreams' and 'Look forward to the future, not back to the past and don't regret'!

Interview: Dmitri Ilusin, OkInniSun, Olga Polomoshnova, Victoria Scholupova.
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Cantidad de envíos : 65
Fecha de inscripción : 23/08/2009
Edad : 30
Localización : Bogotá

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